RBA Committees

Service Committee

The Service Committee oversees service projects:

Barrister Book Buddies
At its organizational meeting in the Summer of 1998, the Board of the Roanoke Bar Association resolved to study and undertake a community service project during the upcoming bar year. At subsequent Board meetings, a number of ideas were discussed and at the suggestion of one member, a representative of the Roanoke City Public Schools was approached.

The Board members learned of the importance of reading to obtaining good scores on Standards of Learning tests. The Board also learned that those students who are not reading on grade level by the third grade are never likely to read on level. Last, the Board learned of the Roanoke City Public Schools’ implementation of a comprehensive reading plan to improve reading in all grades.

In the Spring of 1999, Barrister Book Buddies was born. Initially implemented during summer school, the program continues today throughout the school year. RBA members and staff volunteer to read one hour a month to an elementary school class.

By all reports – from teachers, students, and buddies – the Barrister Book Buddies program continues to be a successful community project. The Roanoke Bar Association is proud to be an educational partner with the Roanoke City Public Schools.