RBA 96th Annual Meeting – June 8, 2021
President Daniel Frankl called the 96th Annual meeting to order. The 96th Annual RBA meeting was held at the Jefferson Center, Fitzpatrick Hall. A virtual option was also available which some members elected to use.
President Frankl recognized RLF Chairman, Patrick Kenney who announced the scholarship recipients, Kerin Daly and Nelson Helm. Ms. Daly will receive both the Jane Glenn Scholarship and a James Kincanon Scholarship. Mr. Kenney also announced this years grant recipient, the Local Office on Aging.
President Frankl welcomed Monica Monday up to introduce Catherine J. Huff, the 2021 Young Lawyer of the Year. The 2021 Frank “Bo” Rogers Lifetime Achievement Award was then presented to George I. Vogel, II, by his son, George Vogel, III.
President Frankl read the list of Presidents Volunteer Service recipients for 2020.
The proposed Bylaw changes were presented by Talfourd Kemper, Bylaw Chairman. Motion passed. The slate of Officers and directors for the 2021 – 2022 RBA year was presented and passed unanimously. Dan Frankl passed the RBA gavel to new president Macel Janoschka, who then recognized Dan for his service as president to the RBA. Dan took this opportunity to thank the members of the current Board for their service during this challenging year and the membership for their continued support. Thank you to Betty Sweat-Moorman, RVLSA, for assisting with check in.