You and the Law – A Look Inside Your Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court

presented by


 March 28, 2017

Roanoke City Courthouse


Welcome and Introductions
Thomas H. Miller, Esq.
Chairman, You and the Law Program

Hon. Leisa K. Ciaffone
Clerk Carolyn Robbins
Captain Chuck Ferguson
Lieutenant Jeff Jenkins
Hon. Hilary Griffith
John M. McNeil, Esq.
Rachel Jackson, Esq.
Hon. Onzlee Ware
Hon. John Weber
Hon. Frank W. Rogers
Heather Ferguson, Esq.
Rachel Lower, Esq.
Judi Jacobson
James Cargill, Esq.

You and the Law March 28 2017 handout

Part 1: Welcome; Confidentiality of Records, Record Expungement, Protective Orders

Part 2: Court Security and Public Relations; DARE Officers

Part 3: Internet & Social Media Safety

Part 4: Presentation by the Commonwealth Attorney and the Public Defender

Part 5: Pro Se Litigants

Part 6: Foster Care: Protecting the Youngest Among Us