RBA Annual Meeting
The 91st Annual Meeting meeting was called to order by President Joe Mott. Memorials and Resolutions Committee Chairman Diana Perkinson introduced The Honorable Vincent Lilley who presented a memorial resolution in honor of The Honorable George W. Harris, Jr.
Rich Maxwell, Chairman of the Roanoke Law Foundation, presented the 2016 James N. Kincanon scholarship awards to Christian Blackwell, Ashlynn Hubert, Joshua Roberts, Aijalon Robinson, and Seth Weston (for his son Chris who could not attend). A grant from the Roanoke Law Foundation was presented to David Beidler for the Legal Aid Society of Roanoke Valley. Joey Klein, Roanoke Law Library, and Kelly Hickey, RVLSA, received donations from the RBA.
Amendments to the Bylaws of the Association were approved and officers and directors for the 2016 – 2017 RBA year were elected. Joe Mott passed the RBA gavel to new president Hugh Wellons, who then recognized Joe for his service as president to the RBA.
The past presidents of the RBA recognized Cathy Caddy who retires at the end of the month after 19 years as executive director.
Monica Guilliams and Melinda Childress-Dearing from RVLSA . . . the association for legal professionals made registration a smooth process.
Click on each photo to see the full size.
- Joe Mott
- Diana Perkinson
- Judge Vincent Lilley
- Rich Maxwell
- Christian Blackwell and Rich Maxwell
- Ashlynn Hubert and Rich Maxwell
- Joshua Roberts and Rich Maxwell
- Aijalon Robinson and Rich Maxwell
- Seth Weston and Rich Maxwell
- David Beidler and Rich Maxwell
- Joey Klein and Rich Maxwell
- RBA Gavel is passed to Hugh Wellons
- Joe Mott recognized for his service as RBA president
- Past President of the RBA
- Past Presidents and Cathy Caddy
- Monica Guilliams, Melinda Childress-Dearing and Cathy Caddy