RBA February 2019 Luncheon
The meeting was called to order by President J. Lee E. Osborne. Mr. Osborne recognized Macel Janoschka. Ms. Janoschka shared the dates of the upcoming Rule of Law classes and encouraged the membership to participate. Mr. Osborne recognized Devon Slovensky. Ms. Slovensky, Pro Bono Chairman, explained Blue Ridge Legal Counsels need for assistance with conflict cases throughout the year and encourage everyone to fill out the volunteer forms available at each table or on the RBA website. Lori Bentley, Memorials Committee, introduced Tom Dickenson who presented a memorial resolution in honor of Brian R. Jones, Esq. President-Elect Patrick Kenney introduced the guest speaker, Dr, Todd C. Peppers. Thank you to the RVLSA for assisting with check-in.
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