Judge Clemens Sworn In

The Honorable J. Christopher Clemens was sworn in as a Judge of the Circuit Court on Thursday, June 30, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at the Roanoke County Courthouse. A robe was presented to Judge Roe by Nanda Davis, President-Elect of the Roanoke Chapter of the Virginia Women Attorneys Association, Joseph W. H. Mott, Past-President of the Roanoke Bar Association, and a representative of the Salem/Roanoke County Bar Association. Click on each image to...

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RBA Annual Meeting

The 91st Annual Meeting meeting was called to order by President Joe Mott.  Memorials and Resolutions Committee Chairman Diana Perkinson introduced The Honorable Vincent Lilley who presented a memorial resolution in honor of The Honorable George W. Harris, Jr. Rich Maxwell, Chairman of the Roanoke Law Foundation, presented the 2016 James N. Kincanon scholarship awards to Christian Blackwell, Ashlynn Hubert, Joshua Roberts, Aijalon Robinson, and...

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Judge Roe Sworn In

The Honorable Thomas W. Roe, Jr., was sworn in as a Judge of the General District Court on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 3:00 p.m. at the Roanoke County Courthouse. A robe was presented to Judge Roe by Devon Slovensky, President of the Roanoke Chapter of the Virginia Women Attorneys Association, Hugh Wellons, President-Elect of the Roanoke Bar Association, and Sarah Jane Newton, President of the Salem/Roanoke County Bar Association. Click on each...

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Law Day Celebration

The annual Law Day Celebration was held at The Shenandoah Club on May 2, 2016, and was called to order by President Joe Mott.  S. D. Roberts Moore received the 2016 Frank W. “Bo” Rogers, Jr., Lifetime Achievement Award, presented by Monica Monday.  Patice L. Holland received the 2016 Young Lawyer of the Year Award, presented by Victor Cardwell.  Hugh Wellons, President-Elect and Program Chairman, introduced our legislators who...

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RBA April Luncheon

The meeting was called to order by President Joe Mott.  President-Elect Hugh Wellons introduced guest speaker John Fishwick, U. S. Attorney for the Western District of Virginia.  RVSLA members Monica Guilliams and Nancy Stewart insured a smooth check-in. Click on each photo to see the full size. Joe Mott Hugh Wellons John Fishwick Monica Guilliams and Nancy...

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You and the Law: Trial By Jury

You and the Law: Trial By Jury, an inside look at Roanoke Circuit Court, was presented on April 5, and was moderated by Tom Miller, Chairman of the You and the Law  Committee.  Lance Greene discussed the function of the Clerk’s office and what it can and cannot do for citizens.  Master Deputy Dean Thompson explained the jury selection process.  Captain Chuck Ferguson and Lieutenant Frank Harris gave a brief synopsis of courtroom security...

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